rray_if_else() is like ifelse(), but works with matrices and arrays, and fully supports broadcasting between the three inputs. Before the operation is applied, condition is cast to a logical, and true and false are cast to their common type.

rray_if_else(condition, true, false)



A logical vector, matrix, array of rray.


A vector, matrix, array, or rray. This is the value in the result when condition is TRUE.


A vector, matrix, array, or rray. This is the value in the result when condition is FALSE.


The dimension names of the output are taken as the common names of true and false.


cond <- c(TRUE, FALSE) true <- array( 1:2, dimnames = list(c("r1", "r2")) ) false <- rray( c(3, 4, 5, 6), dim = c(2, 2), dim_names = list(c("rr1", "rr2"), c("c1", "c2")) ) # - All inputs are broadcast to a common # shape of (2, 2). # - The first row of the output comes from # `true`, the second row comes from `false`. # - The names come from both `true` and `false`. rray_if_else(cond, true, false)
#> <rray<dbl>[,2][2]> #> c1 c2 #> r1 1 1 #> r2 4 6