Obtain a list of common dimension names among a set of objects. For interactive use, rray_dim_names_common() is more useful.


rray_dim_names2(x, y)


x, y, ...

Objects to find common dimensions for.


A list of the common dimension names of the inputs.


rray_dim_names_common() is the engine that determines what dim names should be used in the result of arithmetic operations and other functions that involve multiple rray objects and return a single result.

The rules for determining the set of common dim names between objects x and y (in that order) are:

  • Compute the common dim between x and y using rray_dim_common().

  • For each axis along the common dim:

    • If x has names for that axis and the size of the names vector is the same as the size of the axis, use those names for that axis.

    • Else if y has names for that axis and the size of the names vector is the same as the size of the axis, use those names for that axis.

    • Otherwise, the names for that axis is NULL.


library(magrittr) # 1x2 - Row names but no column names x <- rray(1, dim = c(1, 2)) %>% rray_set_row_names("r_from_x") # 1x1 - Row names and column names y <- rray(1, dim = c(1, 1)) %>% rray_set_col_names("c_from_y") %>% rray_set_row_names("r_from_y") # 1x1 - Row names but no column names z <- rray(1, c(1, 1)) %>% rray_set_row_names("r_from_z") # Combining y and z # y has names for both dimensions # so they are used rray_dim_names_common(y, z)
#> [[1]] #> [1] "r_from_y" #> #> [[2]] #> [1] "c_from_y" #>
# Combining z and y # - Row names are found first from z # - But z has no column names # - So column names are found from y rray_dim_names_common(z, y)
#> [[1]] #> [1] "r_from_z" #> #> [[2]] #> [1] "c_from_y" #>
# Combining x and y # - Row names are found first from x # - x has no column names # - y has column names but they are # a different length from the common # column dimension (common size of 2) # - So no column names are used rray_dim_names_common(x, y)
#> [[1]] #> [1] "r_from_x" #> #> [[2]] #> NULL #>